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목차 1. 대상 국가 분석 2. 브라질 IT 산업에 관하여 3. Visit & Experience Brazil 4. Visit & Experience Brazil의 구체적 실행계획 5. 유사 업체 및 예비 경쟁 업체와의 비교 분석 6. 비용 및 예상이익 분석 7. Visit & Experience의 SWOT 및 4P 분석 8. 인용 및 출처 본문 54% of the vote. Cardoso sold off inefficient government-owned monopolies in the telecommunications, electrical power, port, mining, railway, and banking industries. In Jan. 1999, the Asian economic crisis spread to Brazil. Rather than prop up the currency through financial markets, Brazil opted to let the currency float, which sent the real plummeting at one time as much as 40%. Cardoso was highly praised by the international community for quickly turning around his country s economic crisis. Despite his efforts, however, the economy remained sluggish throughout 2001, and the country also faced an energy crisis. The IMF offered Brazil an additional aid package in Aug. 2001. And in Aug. 2002, to ensure that Brazil would not be dragged down by neighboring Argentina s catastrophic economic problems, the IMF agreed to lend Brazil a phenomenal $30 billion over fifteen months. 4) Facts & Figures President: Dilma Rousseff (2011) Land area: 3,265,059 sq mi (8,456,511 sq km); total area: 3,286,470 sq mi (8,511,965 sq km) Population (2010 est.): 201,103,330 (growth rate: 1.1%); birth rate: 18.1/1000; infant mortality rate: 21.8/1000; life expectancy: 72.26; density per sq km: 22 Capital (2003 est.): Brasília, 2,160,100 Largest cities: São Paulo, 18,333,000 (metro. area), 10,927,985 (city proper); Rio de Janeiro, 11,469,000 (metro. area), 6,094,183 (city proper); Salvador, 2,590,400; Belo Horizonte, 2,347,500; Recife, 1,485,500; Porto Alegre, 1,372,700 5) Brazilian Society & Culture (1) Diversity . Brazil is a mixture of races and ethnicities, resulting in rich diversity. . Many original Portuguese settlers married native women, which created a new race, called mestizos . . Mulattoes are descendents of the Portuguese and African slaves. . Slavery was abolished in 1888, creating over time a further blurring of racial lines. . Unlike many other Latin American countries where there is a distinct Indian population, Brazilians have intermarried to the point that it sometimes seems that almost everyone has a combination of European, African and indigenous ancestry. 참고문헌 - 브라질, IT시장 동향 (KOTRA 최선욱, 2008) - 브라질 IT 산업 현황 및 진출 유망분야 (KOTRA 지윤정, 2006) - IT서비스산업 브라질 진출 가능성 타진한다 (지면일자 2011.05.19) http://www.etnews.co.kr/201105180114 - 국내 IT 업체, 브라질 공략 초읽기 http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=201104150590i - 브라질, 월드컵ㆍ올림픽 특수 시장 주목해야 창간11주년특집-IT코리아 신흥시장 잡아라 http://www.dt.co.kr/contents.html?article_no=2011030302011232718002 - 한국 기업, 브라질에 빠지다 -전자 IT 방송도 기회의 땅 러시 2011-05-31 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=003&aid=0003883631 - http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/brazil-country-profile.html 키워드 Brazil, sq |
2017년 9월 22일 금요일
인터넷비즈니스 브라질 인터넷을 통한 현지인 숙박 대행 서비스
인터넷비즈니스 브라질 인터넷을 통한 현지인 숙박 대행 서비스
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