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목차 1.Summary1-introduction 2.Summary2-opinion 3.Summary3-research 4.CASE 1. Interlocal agreement of Jeollanam-do and Jeju for building northeast Asia's marine tourism base 5.2011 JEJU-JEONNAM INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACE 6.Significance & evaluation of the agreement btw Jeonnam & Jeju 7.Case 2. Eastern Regional Resource Recovery Facility 8.Case 2. Eastern Regional Resource Recovery Facility 본문 1.Summary1-introduction Interlocal agreement is one of the collaborative instrument between cities, counties, a city and county. Interlocal agreements range from dyadic relationships to complex networks of multiple local governments. In the dyadic case, for example, two cities may agree to share snow-plowing duties along a street. The more complex network example might be an economic development agreement that involves multiple cities, their county, and nonprofit chamber of commerce or similar group. Summary2-opinion Thurmaier and wood found a strong link between the creation of interlocal agreement and underlying social networks among administrators. They posit the social networks among administrators were found to be much stronger than the social networks among elected officials, because administrators are more inclined to think and act regionally and to build "epistemic communities". Thurmaier and wood found that the bountiful ILAs in Kansas city metropolitan area thrived in a political and administrative culture. Wood think that ILAs may be preferable to public-private partnerships in that governments share common goals and values which results in more trust, fewer agency problems, and lower transaction costs. 참고문헌 http://cafe.naver.com/kongbo2000.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=145& 권자경(2010), 거래비용관점에서 지방자치단체간 파트너십의 결정요인과 성과, 『 한국지방자치학회보 』, 제22권 제4호(통권72호), pp57-82 Eastern regional resource recovery facility homepage http://www.icmsw.co.kr/index.html The Jeju Weekly http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LPOD&mid=tvh&oid=001&aid=0002646140 http://blog.daum.net/sesgang/11306136 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=003&aid=0004146102 http://news.kukinews.com/article/view.asp?page=1&gCode=soc&arcid=0921279882&cp=nv 키워드 중요성, 인터로컬, 협약, Interlocal, Agreement |
2017년 6월 28일 수요일
사례를 통한 인터로컬 협약(Interlocal Agreement)의 중요성 고찰(영문)
사례를 통한 인터로컬 협약(Interlocal Agreement)의 중요성 고찰(영문)
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