2017년 11월 1일 수요일

척추측만증 레포트

척추측만증 레포트
척추측만증 레포트.hwp

1. Introduction
2. Definition of scoliosis
3. Cause of scoliosis
4. Symptoms of scoliosis
5. Kinds of scoliosis
6. Performance and Effect of scoliosis brace
7. Kinds of devices
8. Problem
9. Difficulty
10. Exercise helper design
- Reason for design
- Kinds of exercise
- Select motion
- Design

. introduction

Do I Have Scoliosis?
According to statistics table, the number of patients has increased by 30% compared to the past. For patients under 20th has increased 110 percent. Compared to other age groups, groups under age 20th has increased sharply. We need to prevent from progressing the scoliosis. Let s get start with knowing the definition ,symptoms, kinds etc.

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척추, 레포트, 척추측만증, 측만증

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