피나스테리드(finasteride) 반응과 부작용 (영문).ppt |
목차 1. Introduction of Finasteride 2. Process of Losing Hair 3. How Finasteride Can Reacts 4. Synthesis of Finateride 5. Side Effects of Finasteride 6. Reference 본문 1. Introduction of Finasteride raw material of the drug which named as Propacia. the original purpose of this drug was curing postatism(전립성비대증) while using this drug, patients feel their hair growth -> Finasteride can lessen the hair loss by inhibiting the enzymatic reaction 참고문헌 http://www.pharmacy.vcu.edu/medchem/articles/finasteride/finasteride.html http://cyimg40.cyworld.com/common/file_down.asp?redirect=%2F400011%2F2012%2F11%2F24%2F91%2Fsynthesis%5Fof%5Ffinasteride%2Epdf http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960894X11004318 키워드 비대증, 전립성, 전립성비대증, 반응, 스테리드, 유기단위반응 |
2016년 9월 27일 화요일
피나스테리드(finasteride) 반응과 부작용 (영문)
피나스테리드(finasteride) 반응과 부작용 (영문)
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