2016년 9월 26일 월요일

TPR(Total Physical Response) 교육 장단점 고찰(영문)

TPR(Total Physical Response) 교육 장단점 고찰(영문)
TPR(Total Physical Response) 교육 장단점 고찰(영문).pptx

1. Introduction of TPR
2. Demonstration of TPR
3. Advantages & Disadvantages of TPR
+ Comparison w/ other teaching methods

1. Introduction Of TPR

Comprehension Approach
-> Focused on LISTENING Comprehension

Understanding -> Production ≒ Native Language

Natural Approach
Self-instructional Program & The Learnables
Lexical Approach
Total Physical Response

★Follow Directions uttered by the instructor
(without Native Language Translation)

the first explanation
will be give in Native Language
& First class of 5th grade students

교육, 문서, 고찰, 영문, 장단점, 나눔글꼴

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