2017년 8월 4일 금요일

전기전자 응용실험 아날로그 (영문)

전기전자 응용실험 아날로그 (영문)
전기전자 응용실험 아날로그.hwp

@ Entire process of analog part
Purpose of Analog part that consist of chap1~chap5 is that conform the voltage change followed by distance change with digital signal and sound from speaker.
Entire block diagram is below.

Focus on each parts work
In chap 1, there are regulator, DC-DC converter and sensor. regulator can supply regular 5V in spite of input change and DC-DC converter can change this voltage to +5v or -5V. so, regulator and DC-DC converter are function of regular voltage source in whole circuit. when voltage is supplied sensor detect the distance for some object and change the voltage according to distance.
In chap 2, this filter is high pass filter The function of this filter is cut low frequency so, only more than special value voltage that we take can pass.
In chap 3. ADC(Analog to Digital Converter) change analog signal to digital signal. When analog signal is through the ADC it changed to digital signal and we can conform the change in voltage with 7-segment
In chap 4 DAC(Digital to Analog Converter) change digital signal to analog signal. By multimeter checking we know that voltage is changed when digital value voltage is changed by switch

-Lecture note chap1~5
-Analog part supplement datasheet
-Chap 1~5 final report

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실험, 전기, 전기전자, 응용실험, 아날로그

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