2017년 4월 27일 목요일

서비스마케팅 신한카드 올댓서비스(영문)

서비스마케팅 신한카드 올댓서비스(영문)
[서비스마케팅] 신한카드 올댓서비스(영문).ppt

Ⅰ. Status Analysis
Ⅱ. SWOT Analysis
Ⅲ. STP Analysis
Ⅳ. Promotion & IMC
Ⅴ. Service Blueprint
Ⅵ. Cost - Benefit
Ⅶ. Conclusion

Company Status
Shinhan Card is 1st credit card service company in Korea.
Asia No.1, Global Top 10
Promotion events, services are held in almost every field.

Employee : 3,400
Membership : 13,500,000
Product Asset : 17,200,000,000,000 won (17trillion won)
Sales Branch : 48

Customer needs is rising due to increased income. People want more than a product. Simple and clear brand repositioning is required

Average income of customer is rising.
Needs for leisure, shopping, musical is rising
Interest in healthy food, diet, plastic surgery,
People are more concerning about social responsibility of company
There are lots of enquiries about point using return, replacement services.
Needs for a luxury good are rising.
Mass buying for discount rate is in fever
Inequality gets more extreme.

서비스, 서비스마케팅, 신한카드, 올댓서비스, 신한, SWOT Analysis, STP Analysis, Promotion IMC

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